Tkinter - Combo Box in Python

Combo Box

This is a simple example of a combo box using tkinter and python.

#import Tkinter
import tkinter

def printVariable(event=0):
    #This function prints the option selected
    print (doc.get())

#create a window
window = tkinter.Tk()

#Sets window title
window.title("Combo Box Example")

#Create a Label
lbldoctype = tkinter.Label(window, text="   Option Choice:    ")

#Set a variable and default value for the combobox
doc = tkinter.StringVar(window)
doc.set("Option 1")

#Create the combobox
combo = tkinter.OptionMenu(window, doc, "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4")
#Pack the combobox

#create a button widget called btn
btn = tkinter.Button(window, text="     Select     ", command=printVariable)
#pack the button into the window

#Return / Enter runs the fucntion the same as clicking the button
window.bind('<Return>', printVariable)

#Loops the tkinter window
 Creates this window:

 When an item is selected this is printed

Option 2

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Must read articles

Tkinter - Combo Box - This is a short example showing how to use combo boxes in a GUI.
Tkinter - Radio Buttons - A short example of how to create a GUI with radio buttons.
Tkinter _ Canvas - Canvas allows for a range of shapes to be plotted, such as circles, squares, lines and labels.
Tkinter - Pack vs Grid vs Place - tkinter provides flexibility in how the layout the widgets. 
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Python - Generators - Learn about generator statements.
Python - Data types - The learn about the key datatypes in the python language.