This is a collection of tutorials to get you started from the very beginning installing python to building your own programs. We cover each of the basic topics in enough detail with examples to quickly get you coding.
1 - Installing Python - How to get started and how to install python. This guide takes you though each step ready to create your first program.
2 - IDLE and Making Your First Program - Create the most basic python program with the step by step example code.
3 - Commenting Code - Learn how to comment your code to create meaningful notes that you can later rely on.
4 - Variables - Learn how to create variables and how to assign them datatypes in python.
5 - Data types - A brief guide of the different datatypes in python.
5.1 - Boolean - An quick guide to Boolean values.
5.2 - Numerical Data types - An overview of the numerical datatypes in python.
5.3 - Strings - How to create a strings in python.
5.4 - Lists - Example code showing how to use python lists.
5.5 - Dictionaries - Learn how to create dictionaries in python.
6 - Conditional Statements - Learn how to implement if statements to give conditional flow to your programs.
7 - Functions - Example code showing how to create a function in python.
8 - Common Built-in Functions - What is included in the box. A guide to the most common used built in functions.
9 - Whitespace and Formatting - How to use white-space in python and understand the difference between using tabs and spaces is key when formatting your code.
10 - Loops - An overview of the different methods of creating a loop in python.
10.1 - For Loops - Example code and explanation of how to create and use for loops in python.
10.2 - While Loops - How to use and create while loops in python.
11 - List Comprehension - Create powerful short code that generated a populated list.
12 - Lambda Functions (Anonymous Functions) - Lambda function allow for very powerful and compact code to be created.
13 - Classes - An introduction to classes in python. Classes allow for object orientated programming and learning to use them efficiently will allow you to create powerful and versatile code.
14 - Reading and Writing Text to Files - Example code showing how to read and write data to and from text files with python.
15 - Importing Libraries - How to install a module or library with python.
15.1 Installing Through PIP - PIP is the most common and easiest method to install libraries and modules. Here are code examples of how to use PIP.
16 - Common Libraries - An introduction to some common modules in python.
16.1 Date Times - The "Datetime" library in python gives access to some power date and time methods. Example code show some common tasks being performed.
16.2 OS - The OS module allows access to the operating system and file structure in python. Example code showing how to use the OS library.
16.2 Math - An introduction into the Math modules in python, examples showing how use the most common functions such as dealing with angles and trigonometry.
17 - Python NameSpace - Learn about the name space in python and how to access variables.
17.1 - Global Variables - Learn how to use global variable in a python program.
18 - Generators - How to create generator expressions in python with example code.
19 - Handling Errors - A program can run into errors for a wide range of reasons. Creating code that handles these errors
20 - Python 2 vs Python 3 - What are the differences to a beginner between python 2 and python 3? This guide highlights the differences and suggests which version is best as a beginner to start with.