Unequal Angles Imperial

Unequal Angles Imperial
Generally to BS 4-1:1971
Note this has been supersedes by BS 4:1993 therefore should not be used for new designs.

Serial Size Leg Lengths A x B T M R1 R2 AREA
mm mm mm kg mm mm cm2
229 x 102 228.6 x 101.6 22.1 53.77 13.0 4.8 68.49
20.6 50.21 13.0 4.8 63.97
18.9 46.45 13.0 4.8 59.17
17.4 42.87 13.0 4.8 54.61
15.8 39.20 13.0 4.8 49.93
14.2 35.43 13.0 4.8 45.13
12.6 31.56 13.0 4.8 40.20
203x152 203.2x152.4 22.1 58.09 13.7 4.8 74.00
20.5 54.42 13.7 4.8 69.07
18.9 50.32 13.7 4.8 64.10
17.3 46.30 13.7 4.8 58.99
15.8 42.32 13.7 4.8 53.91
14.2 38.29 13.7 4.8 48.78
12.6 34.10 13.7 4.8 43.44
203 x 102 203.2 x101.6 19.0 42.75 12.2 4.8 54.45
17.3 39.32 12.2 4.8 50.09
15.8 36.07 12.2 4.8 45.95
14.2 32.62 12.2 4.8 41.55
12.6 29.07 12.2 4.8 37.03
178 x89 177.8 x 88.9 15.8 31.30 11.2 4.8 39.87
14.2 28.28 11.2 4.8 36.02
12.6 25.31 11.2 4.8 32.24
11.1 22.36 11.2 4.8 28.48
9.4 19.22 11.2 4.8 24.48
152 x 102 152.4 x 101.6 19.0 36.16 10.7 4.8 44.80
17.4 32.47 10.7 4.8 41.37
15.8 29.66 10.7 4.8 37.78
14.2 26.80 10.7 4.8 34.14
12.6 23.99 10.7 4.8 30.56
11.0 21.14 10.7 4.8 26.93
9.5 18.30 10.7 4.8 23.31
Serial Size Leg Lengths A x B T M R1 R2 AREA
mm mm mm kg mm mm cm2
152 x 89 152.4 x 88.9 15.7 27.99 10.4 4.8 35.66
14.2 25.46 10.4 4.8 32.43
12.6 22.77 10.4 4.8 29.00
11.1 20.12 10.4 4.8 25.63
9.4 17.26 10.4 4.8 21.99
7.8 14.44 10.4 4.8 18.40
152 x76 152.4 x 76.2 15.8 26.52 9.9 4.8 33.78
14.2 23.99 9.9 4.8 30.56
12.6 21.45 9.9 4.8 27.33
11.0 18.92 9.9 4.8 24.10
9.5 16.39 9.9 4.8 20.87
7.8 13.69 9.9 4.8 17.44
127 x 89 127.0 x 88.9 15.8 24.86 9.7 4.8 31.67
14.2 22.64 9.7 4.8 28.84
12.6 20.26 9.7 4.8 25.81
11.1 17.89 9.7 4.8 22.79
9.4 15.35 9.7 4.8 19.56
7.9 12.94 9.7 4.8 16.48
127 x 76 127.0 x 76.2 14.2 21.17 9.1 4.8 26.96
12.6 18.91 9.1 4.8 24.09
11.0 16.69 9.1 4.8 21.27
9.4 14.44 9.1 4.8 18.39
7.8 12.06 9.1 4.8 15.37
102 x 89 101.6 x 88.9 15.8 21.75 8.9 4.8 27.71
14.2 19.67 8.9 4.8 25.06
12.6 17.72 8.9 4.8 22.57
11.0 15.62 8.9 4.8 19.90
9.5 13.55 8.9 4.8 17.27
7.8 11.31 8.9 4.8 14.41
Serial Size Leg Lengths A x B T M R1 R2 AREA
mm mm mm kg mm mm cm2
102 x 76 101.6 x 76.2 14.2 18.31 8.4 4.8 23,32
12.6 16.38 8.4 4.8 20.87
11.0 14.44 8.4 4.8 18.40
9.4 12.50 8.4 4.8 15.92
7.9 10.58 8.4 4.8 13.47
102 x 64 101.6 x 63.5 11.0 13.40 8.1 4.8 17.07
9.5 11.61 8.1 4.8 14.79
7.8 9.69 8.1 4.8 12.35
6.3 7.89 8.1 4.8 10.05
89 x 76 88.9 x 76.2 14.2 16.83 8.1 4.8 21.44
12.7 15.20 8.1 4.8 19.36
11.0 13.40 8.1 4.8 17.07
9.5 11.61 8.1 4.8 14.79
7.8 9.69 8.1 4.8 12.35
6.3 7.89 8.1 4.8 10.05
89 x 64 88.9 x 63.5 11.0 12.20 7.6 4.8 15.55
9.4 10.57 7.6 4.8 13.47
7.8 8.93 7.6 4.8 11.37
6.2 7.16 7.6 4.8 9.12
76 x 64 76.2 x 63.5 11.0 11.17 7.4 4.8 14.23
9.4 9.68 7.4 4.8 12.33
7.9 8.19 7.4 4.8 10.43
6.2 6.56 7.4 4.8 8.36
76 x 51 76.2 x 50.8 11.0 10.12 6.9 2.4 12.89
9.4 8.78 6.9 2.4 11.18
7.9 7.45 6.9 2.4 9.48
6.2 5.96 6.9 2.4 7.59
4.7 4.62 6.9 2.4 5.88
64 x 51 63. x 50.8 9.3 7.74 6.6 2.4 9.86
7.8 6.55 6.6 2.4 8.35
6.2 5.35 6.6 2.4 6.82
4.6 4.01 6.6 2.4 5.11
64 x 38 63.5 x 38.1 7.8 5.80 6.1 2.4 7.39
6.3 4.77 6.1 2.4 6.08
4.6 3.58 6.1 2.4 4.56
51 x 38 50.8 x 38.1 7.9 5.06 5.8 2.4 6.45
6.1 4.02 5.8 2.4 5.12
4.7 3.13 5.8 2.4 3.99
Serial Size Leg Lengths A x B T M R1 R2 AREA
mm mm mm kg mm mm cm2

Assumed density utilised for mass : 7830 kg/m^3

All dimensions are in millimetres.
Note provided for information only, information has not been checked by an independent source, therefore if you use this information you do so at your risk.