Introduction to Datatypes

The python automatically assigns a datatype to a variable. Each datatype reacts differently to certain operations and its important to understand how to use the tools available to each data type.Here is a list of common datatypes:
  • boolean
  • integer
  • float
  • string
  • list 
  • dictionary
  • None


Boolean variables can be on or off, or True or False. Python defines Booleans with True and False. Note python requires that this is case sensitive.
To create a variable and assign it a Boolean value:

item_for_sale = True

item_sold_out = False


Integers are whole numbers. These tend to be easier for a computer to process when compared to floats.
To create a variable and assign it an integer value:

number_in_stock = 123

number_sold = 7


Floats are numbers which feature a decimal point often when more precision is needed or dealing with continuous data. 
To create a variable and assign it an float value:

price = 2.99

tax = 0.17


Strings are finite sequences of characters. Strings are notated in python between quotation marks or inverted commas. There is an option to use 3 quotation marks or inverted commas in a row for strings that may contain these characters.
To create a variable and assign it an string value:

customer_name = "Max Python"

customer_address_1 = '1 house road'

customer_address_2 = """S'ton Town"""

customer_address_3 = '''AB1 2CD'''


Lists are a countable ordered sequence of values. The values of a  list can be any datatype include nested lists.
To create a variable and assign it an list value:

customer_basket = ["apple","pear","pear"]

customer_sale = [customer_basket, True, "01/07/2017"]


A dictionary is an array of values that have an associated key. The values of a dictionary can be any datatype, though keys should a unique string.
To create a dictionary which contains the keys "name" and "DOB", with respected values of "dean" and "01/03/2017". Note that the curly brackets contain the dictionary information. Items are separated by a comma. Keys are presented first allowed by a colon then the value.

customer_basket = {'name': 'dean', 'DOB': '01/03/2017'}


The None datatype signifies that the variable has not been assigned a value.

customer_discount = None 

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