To create a variable we just need to come up with a meaning full name. Python requires some basic formatting rules, variables need to start with with a letter though can contain numbers, they cannot contain spaces. Note variables are case sensitive.
PEP 8 underscores are typically used between words in variables in python. For example a variable for a welcome message could be defined in the following way.
welcome_message = "Welcome to my site about python"
If we want to change this message we can use redefine it contents.
welcome_message = "Welcome to my site about python" # update welcome message welcome_message = "Welcome to my site about Python and Java" print (welcome_message)
or pages views could be defined :
page_views = 12
This allows us to operate on the variable.
page_views = 12 # Increase the page view due to new visitor page_views += 1 print (page_views)
This returns the value "13".
Now you have an understanding of variables lets look at datatypes
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