Tkinter - Canvas

Here is an example of creatign some basic shapes in tkitner using canvas.
import tkinter as tk

mywindow = tk.Tk()

# Set canvas size
canvasName = tk.Canvas(mywindow,height=300,width=400,bg='white')

#Example Shapes
canvasName.create_rectangle(50,50,100,200, fill="red", width=2)
canvasName.create_line(200, 200, 300, 300, fill="black",width="13")
canvasName.create_arc(20, 20, 300, 100, fill="cyan")
canvasName.create_text(100,100,text="We can draw")
canvasName.create_oval(10, 10, 80, 80, outline="#f12", fill="#1f2", width=2)


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