Tkinter - Title Bar Icon

We have added an icon to the title bar. Note the icon needs to be .ico file and in the same location as the .py file.
import tkinter as tk

mywindow = tk.Tk()

def buttonPress():
    print("Button Pressed!!")

def textBox():
def slideValue():
    print (Slider.get())

# Label
label = tk.Label(mywindow, text="Label Text")

# Button
button = tk.Button(mywindow,text='Press',command=buttonPress)

# Textbox
textb = tk.Entry(mywindow,text="Entry")
textbutton = tk.Button(mywindow,text="Text Box",command=textBox)

# Slider
Slider = (tk.Scale(mywindow,label=('Slider'),variable=0))
SliderButton = (tk.Button(mywindow,text='Slider',command=slideValue))

#Keyboard Inputs
def func_return(event):
    print ("You hit return")
mywindow.bind("<Return>", func_return)

def func_w(event):
    print ("You hit w")
mywindow.bind("<KeyPress-w>", func_w)

# Defining the window size
# Fixing the window size
mywindow.resizable(width=False, height=False)
# Title bar Title
mywindow.title('My Title')
# Title Bar Icon
This updates the GUI to be:

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